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The Essence of a White Christmas

Written by Sandy Blaser

The Smells and Sounds of Christmas are forever etched on my Heart.  I was so blessed to be born into a beautiful, affectionate, tenderhearted family that loved the Lord!  In fact all else revolved around Church & our Faith in God!  I have so many beautiful memories of growing up on a Farm that lie in a Holler surrounded by the foot Hills of the Ozark’s in South East Missouri.  Mom & Dad didn’t have much, but they always managed to make Christmas very special!  As I allow my spirit to reminisce so many wonderful heartwarming moments flood my soul! Years have come & gone, but yet my mind is flooded with the beauty and essence of a White Christmas…

7-big Cedars heavy laden with snow

Red cardinals & Blue Jays on a snow covered Tree limb

Kitty Cats warming by the stove

Wind whipping and blowing snow

Snow crunching under feet

Hearing the jingle of the old horse bridle

Christmas bells on my tennis shoes

Smell of fresh cedar in the air

Crackling of fire

Smell of popcorn popping

Breaking off icicles & eating

Cold taste of snow

Snowball fight, ouch

Piece of wood on fire sparks crackling & flying

Hearing wood being hauled in on the back porch for the night

Hear the simmering of Tea Kettle of Hot water on wood stove

Smell of fresh coffee

Christmas music fills the air

Eating Snow Cream

Fresh baked Chocolate chip Cookies

Fresh Oranges & big Red Delicious Apples

Big Pink Grapefruit

Homemade Fudge & divinity

Picking out Hickory Nuts for candy

Shelling Peanuts

Homemade Red Peanut Plank Candy

Pecans, walnuts, all kinds of mixed nuts in shells

Ribbon & hard Candy, chocolate Crops, Orange slices, spiced gum drops

Big Candy Cane Sticks

Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Stringing Cranberries & popcorn

Dogs & cats lopping in the snow

Riding a sled

Chains rattling on car tires

Smoke from wood stove fills the air

Sipping Homemade Hot chocolate

Chopping down Christmas tree

Dragging a Cedar tree with ole horse, Hear the chains rattle

Little boy & girl giggles

Rolling a Snowman

Dogs barking as they chase rabbits in snow

Rattle of paper & tearing of Scotch tape as gifts are being wrapped

Hanging icicles & beautiful ornaments on tree

Watching Bubble Christmas Tree Lights

Practice Christmas play parts for School & church

Singing Christmas Carols

Hear the twinkling of the ivories on the old Piano

Hear the strums of the old guitar

Going Christmas Caroling

Getting a bag of fruit & candy at Church

The lowing of Cattle in the barn

Car Coats, (coats with hoods)


Little Red Boots

Plastic bread wrappers & big rubber bands

Little fingers & toes hurt form being frozen

Pants all wet from snow

Little red noses & cheeks

Runny Noses from the cold

Warming tennis shoes by stove, smell the rubber

Ice skating on the pond

Hear the ax whacking, Chopping ice on the pond for cattle to drink

Hear the snow slide off the roof as it melts

Sunlight dancing & glistening on the snow

Hear the spinning of tires n the snow

Moon light shining upon a snow looks like daylight

Night Lights of downtown reflecting on the snow gives a pink cast to everything

Blessing others with gifts & groceries, etc

Hearing “Merry Christmas” everywhere

Hear the ringing of a bell as Santa stands by a Red bucket

Light post decorated with beautiful Christmas décor & lights

Calendars a gift given by businesses

Grocery store giving gift, a bag of fruit

Praying around the Dinner Table

Feeding Popcorn to birds as children sing Happy Birthday to Jesus

Written by Sandy Blaser